5 Ways To Improve Your Home Value – Part 2

Welcome back to the two-part blog series by E-Homes! We are talking about a few of the ways that you can increase the value of your home before putting it on the market. In our last blog post, we touched on two of the ways that you can enhance the value of your home, but there are still three ways that we’d like to cover with you.

Clean Up The Outside

All too often, when we think of ways to increase the value of our home, we think of ways to enhance the interior. It’s crucial that we remember this isn’t the only part of our house that people will be looking at. While you may need to dedicate weeks at a time and large sums of money to some of the projects going on inside your home, cleaning up the exterior of your house is something quick and effortless that can completely change the first impression that your house gives. 

Whether that includes weeding and mowing the lawn or adding some trees and incorporating outdoor furniture, this is something easy that can boost the overall look and value of your home.

Small Projects Make A Difference

If you’ve lived in the house for years and are ready for the next chapter, it’s easy to see the flaws in the house you’re currently in. In these instances, it’s extremely easy to let the list of projects get out of hand. Even though these projects may increase the value of the home, take some time to think about how necessary they are. Often times, there are small projects that can be done that make a more significant difference than we give them credit for.

Don’t overlook these small projects, the last thing that you want is to invest too much money into a home that’s going on the market. Focus on the good these smaller projects can do and let them increase the value of your home for less money and time.

Look At Your Appliances

The last point that we’re going to touch on in this series, but certainly not the last way that you can increase the value of your home, is by looking at your appliances. These are one of the upgrades and improvements that buyers are going to look at when they skim through the listing and schedule a tour. More often than not, upgrading or replacing appliances is something that will find its way into the final contract, and if you can anticipate that happening given the condition of your appliances, you might as well get it done beforehand and let it boost the value of your home rather than let depreciate.

E-Homes Can Help

When it comes to increasing the value of your home and ensuring that your selling process goes smoothly, you can always count on the team at E-Homes to help. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the guidance and resources that you need to have a great experience selling your home. Reach out to us today for more information on how you can increase the value of your home before listing it.

Also, we will continue to touch on methods of boosting home value in future blogs, so make sure to keep an eye out for them.

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